Tell us about your text/technology development idea.


Hercher Publishing welcomes the opportunity to consider your text or technology project for publication. The information below will give us a good idea how well your project will match our publishing strategy. We welcome the opportunity to discuss the project in person, on the phone, or by e-mail as well.  630-222-7985      


Author Guidelines

Table of Contents
Please provide a detailed planned table of contents for your project, and any comments or notes about how your approach is unique or better than currently available titles. 

Author Background
Please provide a brief bio on your own experience, teaching, consulting, your research area, particularly with emphasis on how your background would help you with developing and publishing your project.
Intended Market
Describe the course area, currently available titles, and the need in the market as you see it, such as changes in content emphasis, improvement in teaching approach or student support, innovative presentation or organization.
Distinctive advantages of your project.
Describe the rationale and the planned advantages you believe your project will provide to adopters-professors and students-over the current lot of titles for the course.
Sample Chapter(s)
In the end, the best and most direct way to evaluate the likely success of a new text project is to evaluate samples. If you have completed chapters, please include them. If you have only notes or outlines, we will be glad to review them, but it is likely we will ask for samples chapters before finalizing a publishing agreement.

HERCHER Publishing Inc